How to write an essay on Frankenstein

Posted on Jul 02, 2019

The first thing that pops into our head when we try to come up with some cool literature essay topics is no doubt Frankenstein essays. Analyzing Frankenstein as a literary character and the novel, in general, is a popular task many professors around the world assign to their students. If you study languages or literature, it is very likely that this topic will at some point be assigned to you as well. And that is exactly why we have decided to provide you with a few useful tips on how to write an essay on Frankenstein. They will help you deal with the challenge most effectively The novel "Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus" was written by Mary Shelley, who was only eighteen at the time — the fact that can partly explain the keen public interest in the piece. In the early 20th century it was not very typical of women to write books, and considering Mary's tender age of, it was even more unusual. She drew her inspiration from the story of a medieval alchemist, who became a model for the novel's protagonist. In 1814, Mary, her future husband Percy and the famous English poet Lord Byron were traveling around Switzerland. On one of their rail trips, they entered a lively discussion on the occult and decided to have a bet about who would be able to create the best horror story based on the legend about the alchemist. Mary won the bet, and primarily due to the gripping and captivating plot which is now recognized as a classic example of the fusion of diverse genres, including horror fiction, gothic fiction, and science fiction. The author skillfully played with images and allusions, as well as other literary devices, and this is why Frankenstein often becomes a subject for academic essays.

Keep in mind that a great number of Frankenstein essays have already been written, so why, you'll need to come up with an excellent essay on Frankenstein to impress your professor.

Frankenstein Essay Structure Explored

When working on any essay, it is always a good idea to stick to the classical essay structure. There can be variations in your Frankenstein essay structure, but in general, it should have a short introductory part, a thesis, and a minimum of three body paragraphs, each of which containing a well-supported argument to prove the thesis. The evidence should be based on the quotes from the primary source or references to reputable secondary sources. It may also be a good idea to include one more paragraph, addressing possible counterarguments. Lastly, there should be a conclusion paragraph summing up all the arguments provided in the essay and restating the thesis.

Strong Frankenstein Essay Introduction

A good introduction paragraph for Frankenstein essay needs to start with a so-called "hook," i.e., a short statement which will immediately attract the reader's attention and motivate them to continue reading. Make sure o that it is followed by a strong thesis, which is further explained in the next several sentences. The sentences should not be very long and contain passive constructions. Remember — the thesis should introduce a fresh thought, a new view of the novel, so make it unique. Try to keep the introductory part about seven — ten sentences long.

Designing a Frankenstein Essay Body

As mentioned above, the body of the essay should be three to four paragraphs long, while the paragraphs themselves should contain around ten sentences. However, this may vary, depending on the essay volume required by your professor. Try to make sure that every argument is supported by both textual evidence from the primary source, and references to secondary sources. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have a quote from the novel itself and one or two citations referring to the analytical literature on the novel. Do not forget to format your quotes and citations correctly; be sure to Include bibliographic information in work cited page as well.

Conclusion for a Frankenstein Essay

Writing a conclusion for an essay about Frankenstein is, probably, the easiest part of your Frankenstein essay writing challenge. In it, you only need to sum up all the information provided in the essay, restate the thesis, mention all the arguments and draw a conclusion. Do not make your conclusion too long and make sure it does not introduce any new information. It is not common for the conclusion to contain any citations, though it is not entirely impossible, either.

In Search of Good Frankenstein Essay Topics

Some professors assign Frankenstein essay topics to their students, while others who want their students to get more creative, let them decide on an issue. If the latter is the case, it may be quite a challenge for the students to think of a truly original and interesting Frankenstein topic. And let us not forget the zillion of essays that have already been written on Frankenstein, which makes it hard to come up with something new and original. And this is precisely why we have prepared a few topics for you to consider:

  • The nature of Frankenstein's creativity.
  • All the protagonists of the novel possess one personality and shape a divine trinity.
  • The balance between creation and destruction in the book.
  • The revenge of the monster and the motives behind it.
  • Frankenstein has been referred to as a novel in various genres. To which genre do you think the book belongs?
  • What is so human about the monster in the novel?
  • Parallels between Frankenstein and Prometheus.

The list is by no means an exhaustive one, so you are welcome to add as many original Frankenstein essay topics as your imagination allows you to.

A good Frankenstein essay outline example

To control the structure of the essay, it is always a good idea to come up with an outline. Some professors require their students to include it in their academic papers, and some don't, but regardless, we recommend that you write it for the sake of your convenience. Let's check out what a good Frankenstein essay outline example may look like.

Who is the real monster in Frankenstein — Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
    • A few words about the story;
    • Introducing the thesis: any one of the protagonists may be seen as a monster;
    • Announcing the arguments.
  2. Body
    • In which way the monster is a monster in the novel;
    • In which way Victor is a monster?
    • In which way Frankenstein himself is a monster?
  3. Conclusion
    • Restating the thesis;
    • Mentioning all three arguments;
    • Drawing a conclusion.

As you can see, writing a good Frankenstein essay may be a challenging task. Of course, you may try to do it yourself, and we do hope our tips will help you achieve the goal. However, if you find the task too complicated, do not forget that there is always somebody out there willing to lend you a helping hand. Order your Frankenstein essay online now and avoid the unnecessary difficulties! We will be happy to make this complicated task easy for you!